Proof that lord krishna existed | Existence of lord krishna 9000 years – when the facts overshadowed the myth |

Proof that lord krishna existed

The Lord Krishna is not a myth.Krishna is name of God which means all attractive personality in Sanskrit language.The Sanskrit language word akris han is also derived from this root krish which means attraction.So Sri Krishna has all attractive qualities in fullness like beauty,strength,wisdom, richness,famous and renunciation.Therefore He is all attractive due to these qualities in fullness. Therefore  He is attractive to everyone even who does not believe Him.We give a name to the God as per His qualities in all religions but He is as same as the origin of everybody and everything.

Proof that lord krishna existed | Existence of lord krishna - when the facts overshadowed the myth

The Lord Krishna really existed on earth.The proofs are as below:

1.The Dwarka city exists still in the Arabian Sea.

Proof that lord krishna existed | Existence of lord krishna - when the facts overshadowed the myth

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Around 150 feet under the Arabian Sea, sit these ruins of the ancient city of Dwarka, carbon dating back to about 9000 years.

It is one of the most talked about marine settlements by the archaeologists in India.

The ruins here have been carbonated, and the results show them to be as old as 9000 years- making them some of the oldest ruins in the world!

As per the legend, Lord Krishna founded the city in Gujarat, naming it Dwarka. And after Krishna died, the city got submerged in water.

A dive in the Arabian Sea near present Dwarka reveals the ocean floor is covered with remnants of the past.

From massive stones to smaller circular structures and hundreds of anchors- all these point to the fact that it must have been an enormous port city at one time.

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  • Pic: History Channel) Dwarka imagined on land
  • A stone structure exposed during low tide off Dwarka

A stone structure exposed during low tide off Dwarka

2.Ancient cities described in the Mahabharata/ Proof that lord krishna existed | Existence of lord krishna – when the facts overshadowed the myth

More than thirty-five sites in North India have yielded archaeological evidence and have been identified as ancient cities described in the Mahabharata. Copper utensils, iron, seals, gold & silver ornaments, terracotta discs and painted grey ware pottery have all been found in these sites. Scientific dating of these artifacts corresponds to the non-aryan-invasion model of Indian antiquity.

3.Similarity between Ramayana and Mahabharata

The dynasties recorded in the Ramayana and the Mahabharat concur without a difference. Even the relations between different kings and their dynasties in both the great “epics” match with each other. If both were mere “epics” written by two entirely different at two different times, why would everything match even upto minor details?

Mahabharat is of a later date than the Ramayana. Why would the author of the Mahabharata borrow the same ideas and characters as those of the author of Ramayana?

4. Lineage of Shri Krishna

The Greek historian Megasthenes has stated that Chandragupta Maurya was the 138 King in the lineage of Shri Krishna.This means that Shri Krishna did exist in the bygone era and that Mahabharat did really occur.

5. Present cities from Mahabharata

All places mentioned in Mahabharata are real places, all are identified as real places.

For instance, Hastinapur is in UP. Indraprastha is the present day Delhi. Dwarka is located in Gujarat coast. Moreover, Mahabharata cities are not limited to present day India because Mahabharata referred Indian subcontinent as Bharata. For example, Gandhar could be present day Kandhar.

nearby cities

6. Astronomical references

The Udyoga Parva of Mahabharata narrates that, just before the War,Lord Krishna went to Hastinapur in the month of Kartika on the day when moon was at the asterism Revati. On His way to Hastinapur, Krishna took rest for a day at a place called Brikasthala, and on that day the moon was at the asterism Bharani.

The day on which Duryodhana turned down all the efforts of Krishna and made the war inevitable, the moon was resting at the asterism Pushya.


7.Bharat Varsh

The country is named Bhaarat after the king Bharat (son of Dushyant & Shakuntala).What country would be named after the hero of a novel !

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8. Hole in the Aryan theory

European scholars brought the nomadic Aryan tribes, into India after 1500 BC. How could these Aryans create Sanskrit language, gain so much knowledge and write all these texts before 700 BC? Great Indian thinkers including Lokmanya Tilak, Sri Arbindo, and Dyanand Saraswati rejected the European theory.

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8. Unrecorded history factor

Maurya, Gupta and Indo-Greek dynasties, are also recorded in our Puranas. These dynasties are accepted only because they are also recorded by Greek historians.

What about the dynasties that existed before the Greek historians?

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9.The Gregorian Calendar

Not a surprise, but surely very interesting to note that the Gregorian Calendar indeed vouches for the Kurukshetra War to have taken place, as it states the beginning of Kali Yuga. Per the Calendar, the event occurred on February 18, 3102 BCE at 2:27:30 AM.

Both, the Eastern and Western culture have accepted this date and time to have been the beginning of Kali Yuga and, also the death of Lord Krishna.

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10.Perfect narration of the planetary positions

Krishna left Hastinapura with Karna, on the day when the moon was yet to reach the asterism Uttara Phalguni. Karna accompanied Him to some distance to see him off and he then described to the Lord the positions of planets in the sky.

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11.Perfect narration of the planetary positions

He expressed his apprehension that such a planetary configuration stood for a very bad omen: such as large scale loss of life and drenching of blood.Vyasa narrated all these planetary positions in as many as sixteen verses as if someone was describing it after visualizing them in the sky.

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Seeing above facts about Lord Krishna‘s time ,we can conclude that He really exist.

If we read even one sloka or one sentence of Bhagavad Gita,we can easily conclude that only God can speak the real truth with so much clarity and confidence.

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So Lord Krishna really exists.

We as souls exist so the Super soul or God must exist whose name is Krishna.We should therefore pray and glorify Him with love for every body ‘s happiness.




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