Lord Hanuman | The Story of Anjaneya – 20 Plus Things You all Should know |

Hanuman Jayanti is a Hindu festival celebrated to honor the birth of Lord Hanuman, who is one of the most revered and worshipped deities in Hinduism. Hanuman, also known as Anjaneya or Maruti, is a divine monkey god known for his immense strength, devotion, and loyalty to Lord Rama.

Lord Hanuman | The Story of Anjaneya

TITLE:- Lord Hanuman | The Story of Anjaneya – 20 Plus Things You all Should know |
Lets Understand What is the Significance of Chanting Hanuman Chalisa And History :
Meaning of Hanuman in Sanskrit is comes from two words:

Hanu+Man. Hanu Means – Jaw. Man means Prominent. One who has prominent Jaw line is called Hanuman.

hanuman jaw

Hanuman born to Anjana and Kesari. In ways he is also son of Vayu, as there is association of Vayu in birth of Hanuman. Anjana was worshiping Vayu for progeny. At the same time King Dasaratha was performing “Putra Kamesti yagya” for getting the child.

performing yagya

At the end of Yagya, the divine pudding (Payasam) to be shared by three of his wives, leading to birth of Rama, Lakshmana, Bharat and Satrukana.

celebration of birth

A kite snatched portion of it. This portion made to fall into hands of anjana by Vayu, who consumed it leading birth of Hanuman.

birth of hanuman


Hence Hanuman is called Anjani putra as well as Vayu Putra. Hence hanuman is linked to Rama & Lakshmana.

epic picture

Hanuman Link to Surya:

When Hanuman was in his youth and hungry he tried to grab to eat red-colored sun, Mistaking it for a ripe fruit.

eating sun
Lord Indra intervened and struck Hanuman with his thunderbolt.

It hit Hanuman on his jaw, and he fell to the earth dead with a broken jaw. Hanuman’s father Vayu (air) became upset and withdrew all the air on Earth. The lack of air created immense suffering to all living beings. Lord Shiva intervened and resuscitated Hanuman, which in turn prompted Vayu to return to the living beings.

lord shiva gives blessing to hanuman

Hence Hanuman gets the blessings of Lord Shiva, that no negative energy can stand infront of him, as he is the lord of Atharva Veda, with the blessings of Lord Shiva.
atharva veda

As the mistake was done by Indra, he grants Hanuman a wish that his body would be as strong as Indra’s Vajra, and that his Vajra can also not harm him.

hanuman get back his powers

Vayu granted his ability to fly, wind won’t affect him. Agni granted he won’t be affected by fire. Varuna granted he won’t be harmed by Water. Lord Brahma Granted he can visit any place that he won’t be stopped.

lord bhramha blessings to lord hanuman

Hence these blessings made Lord Hanuman to be granted with Unique Powers & Strength.

Hence these blessings made Lord Hanuman to be granted with Unique Powers & Strength.

Hanuman Chalisa:

Hanuman Chalisa is attributed to Tulsidas, a poet-saint who lived in the 16th century CE.

Hanuman Chalisa: Hanuman Chalisa is attributed to Tulsidas, a poet-saint who lived in the 16th century CE.

Chalisa is derived from the Hindi word, chalisa – which means “forty.” The Hanuman Chalisa is, therefore, so-called because it has 40 verses that praise Hanuman.

Benefits of Reciting Hanuman Chalisa:

It provides strength, courage, success, prosperity in life. Reciting Hanuman Chalisa will also ward off negative energies and spirits. It is believed to remove bad karma.

Why 7 Times chanting is important ?  

Surya, the sun god, gave him the power to change the size of his body. The sun god has seven horses to pull his heavenly chariot.

god sun

In the Rigveda there are seven parts of the world, seven seasons, and seven heavenly fortresses.There are Seven colors and represent energy in different wavelength.

There are Seven colors and represent energy in different wavelength

Seven worlds in the universe and seven seas in the world in Hindu cosmology. Seven sages or Saptarishi and their seven wives or Sapta Matrka in Hindu mythology.


Seven worlds in the universe and seven seas in the world in Hindu cosmology

There are Seven above lokas above, Seven Lokas Below
There are Seven above lokas above, Seven Lokas Below
There are Seven Chakras in the Human body.
There are Seven Chakras in the Human body
There are Sapta Kannika also known as Sapta Matas. Namely Brahmi, Indrani, Maheswari, Gowmari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Chamundi. Very Popular / Powerful deities in southern part of India tradition.
There are sapta Kannika also known as Sapta Matas. Namely Brahmi, Indrani, maheswari, Gowmari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Chamundi.
There are Sapta Swara in Music which has enormous impact on the world.
There are Sapta Swara in Music which has enormous impact on the world
The seven rivers mentioned in the Rig-Veda are Indus, Vitasta (Vehit/Jhelum), Asikni (Chenab), Prusni/Eravati (Ravi) Vipasha (Beas), Sutudri (Sutlej) and Sarasvati (which dried up).
The seven rivers mentioned in the Rig-Veda are Indus, Vitasta (Vehit/Jhelum), Asikni (Chenab), Prusni/Eravati (Ravi) Vipasha (Beas), Sutudri (Sutlej) and Sarasvati (which dried up).
So by Reciting the Hanuman Chalisa one gets the blessings of Sun ( His Seven Rays), Sapta Rishi, All the powers, of All worlds, All Deities.
My prayers to everyone to Recite Hanuman Chalisa to get the blessings of lord Hanuman to remove negativity from their life, and make their life prosperous and Happy.
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ॐ श्री हनुमते नमः
Om Shri Hanumate Namah
ॐ ऐं भ्रीम हनुमते, श्री राम दूताय नम:
Om Aim Bhrim Hanumante,
Shri Ram Dutay Namah:
ॐ आञ्जनेयाय विद्महे वायुपुत्राय धीमहि। तन्नो हनुमत् प्रचोदयात् ||
Om Anjaneyay Vidmahe Vayuputraya Dhimahi. Tanno Hanumant Prachodayat ||


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