“The Story of Nandi the Bull: Reading the Rebirth Story of Nandi Brings Wealth Throughout One’s Lifetime on Earth”

Nandi, often referred to as Nandikeshvara or Nandishvara, is a significant figure in Hindu mythology and a revered devotee and vahana (vehicle) of Lord Shiva. As the loyal steed of Lord Shiva, Nandi plays a multifaceted role in Hindu cosmology, symbolizing devotion, loyalty, strength, and guardianship.

"The Story of Nandi the Bull: Reading the Rebirth Story of Nandi Brings Wealth Throughout One's Lifetime on Earth"

TITLE:- “The Story of Nandi the Bull: Reading the Rebirth Story of Nandi Brings Wealth Throughout One’s Lifetime on Earth”

Here are the details about Nandi: Today we will going to represent rebirth story of Nandi bull, Lord Shiva’s bull. In Hinduism it is believed that if you read this story of Nandi dev then you will always be wealthy in your life time. So read out this interesting story of Nandi Dev.

It is believed that those who read the story of Nandi will be rich till the time they live on earth and will not be reborn after life..!!

Adilakan, a devotee of Shiva, ended his earthly life and went to Kailash for having darshan of lord Shiva and lordess Parvati.

Meanwhile, Parvathi Devi was in deep meditation on Lord Shiva in Andapuram, guarded by Nandi..

Nandi Dev was standing as a guard outside. The devotee, who wanted to have the darshan of Shiva Parvati, went to the abode of Goddess Parvati despite Nandi dev. He bowed with joy at seeing her.

Hearing the devotee’s voice, goddess woke up from her meditation. Seeing that the devotee had come to her abode in defiance of Nandi’s guard, she shouted, “Oh Nandeesa!

Nandi Bull Story || Those who read the rebirth story of Nandi bull will get wealth till they live on earth ||

Whom have you asked to let him in?” Nandi came to her, “Mother! I allowed it because I am their devotee. You should have sent him only after completing the pooja. I have behaved wrongly, I am sorry,” he said.

Shiva arrived there and made Nandi, who had failed in his work, to be born as a monitor in the earth.

At this time at earth the Saptarishi came to the ashram of Siladar. When Siladar’s wife went to serve swan to them, they said that they could not eat there as per the rule that “monks should not eat in a childless house”.

Saddened by this, the sage and his wife prayed fervently to Lord Shiva. It was at this time that Shiva cursed Nandi. He placed Nandi dev in a box in Bhuloka, near the ashram where Siladar stayed.

The box caught Siladar’s eyes. By then he saw a child with the face of a bull and the body of a human. He rejoiced at the fact that he had a child, and said, “O Lord! Shouldn’t you have given me a childless child?

How will the villagers accept a bull-faced child?” he pleaded. At that time,”” Siladar! It is not someone who has come. My guard is Nandi dev. I will give him a beautiful face. But his life on earth will be only 12 years.

He has come to you with a curse. It is your responsibility to bring him up,” said Lord Shiva. Although he had come to live with him for 12 years, Siladar was happy because he was going to take them to Kailash.

He handed over the child to his wife. As the child was a child of Sivaloka, many people were cured of their illness as soon as they saw him.

Some worshiped him as a God and said that they wanted salvation. He engages in Shiva meditation during pradosham (4.30-6.00 pm). Then many devotees will meditate on Lord Shiva together with him.

While he was meditating with his eyes closed, he had a vision of Shiva in the middle of his forehead. Due to this, people thought that they got infertility.

Nandi dev, who performed many miracles, joined Kailash at the age of 12 with his parents and regained his lost position.

Repenting of his mistake, he kneels and humbly sits in front of Shiva Parvati even today…!! Shivaya Nama Tiruchirappalli, Everything is Shiva Maya.






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